![]() Canoe Plants of Ancient Hawai`i Home - Intro - Contents - Bibliography - Links - Credits `Ape - `Awa -`Awapuhi -Hau -Ipu -Kalo -Kamani -Ki -Ko -Kou -Kukui -Mai`a Milo -Niu -Noni -`Ohe -`Ohi`a `Ai -`Olena -Olona -Pia -`Uala -Uhi -`Ulu -Wauke |
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Abbott, Isabella Aiona; La'au Hawai'i - Traditional Hawaiian Uses of Plants; Bishop Museum Press, 1992
Baldwin, Roger E., Ph.D.; Hawai'i's Poisonous Plants; Petroglyph Press, 1979
Beckwith, Martha; Hawaiian Mythology; University of Hawai'i Press, 1970
Beckwith, Martha; The Kumulipo; University of Hawai'i Press, 1972
Blaisdell, Kekuni, M.D. and others; Wai'anae Diet Program; Wai'anae Health Center
Buck, Peter H. (Te Rangi Hiroa); Arts and Crafts of Hawai'i; Bishop Museum Press, 1957
Buck, Peter H.; Vikings of the Sunrise; F. A. Stokes Publishing, 1938
Charlot, John; Chanting the Universe; Emphasis International; 1983
Chun, Malcolm Naea; Native Hawaiian Medicines; First People's Productions, Honolulu, 1994
Chun, Naomi N. Y.; Hawaiian Canoe Building Traditions; Kamehameha Schools Press, 1995
Dodd, Edward; The Island World of Polynesia; Windmill Hill Press, 1990
Emerson, Nathaniel B., M.D.; The Sacred Songs of the Hula; Charles E. Tuttle Co. Inc., Rutland Vermont, 1965
Emerson, Nathaniel B., M.D.; Unwritten Literature of Hawai'i; Charles E. Tuttle Co., Inc., 1965
Fornander, Abraham; An Account of the Polynesian Race; Charles E. Tuttle Co., Inc., 1969
Fornander, Abraham; Collection of Hawaiian Antiquities and Folklore; Bishop Museum Press, 1916-20
Gibbons, Euell; Beachcomber's Handbook; David McKay Co., Inc., 1967
Gutmanis, June; Kahuna La'au Lapa'au: The Practice of Hawaiian Herbal Medicine; Island Heritage Books, 1979
Handy, E. S. Craighill; The Hawaiian Planter: His Plants, Methods and Areas of Cultivation; Bernice P. Bishop Museum, 1985
Handy, E.S. Craighill and Mary K. Pukui; The Polynesian Family System in Ka'u, Hawai'i; Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1958
Handy, E.S. Craighill and Elizabeth Green; Native Planters in Old Hawai'i; Bishop Museum Press, 1972
Handy, E. S. Craighill, Mary Kawena Pukui and Katherine Livermore; Outline of Hawaiian Physical Therapeutics; Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu, HI, 1934
Hargreaves, Dorothy and Bob; Tropical Trees of Hawai'i; Hargreaves Co., Inc., 1964
Hewitt, Frank Kawaikapuokalani; A Hawaiian Culture Class on Oral Art and Tradition; Given at Maui Community College, and shown on cable T.V. twice weekly in Hana, 1992-93
Holmes, Tommy; The Hawaiian Canoe; Editions Ltd., 1981
Ka'ai'akamanu, D.K. and J.K. Akina; Hawaiian Herbs of Medicinal Value; Charles E. Tuttle, Co., 1973
Kalakaua, His Hawaiian Majesty; The Legends and Myths of Hawai'i; Charles E. Tuttle, Co., 1972
Kanahele, Dr. George Hu'eu; A Hawaiian Sense of Place, Course I and II, sponsored by Hotel Hana Maui, 1988 (included study-book)
Kay, E. Alison; Natural History of the Hawaiian Islands : Selected Readings II; Univ of Hawaii Press, 1995
Kent, Harold Winfield; Treasury of Hawaiian Words in 101 Categories; University of Hawaii Press, 1986
Kepler, Angela Kay; Hawaiian Heritage Plants (Revised Edition); University of Hawai`i Press, 1998
Kepler, Angela Kay; Trees of Hawai`i; University of Hawai`i Press, 1990
Krauss, Beatrice H.; Ethnobotany of Hawai'i; The University of Hawai'i Press, 1976
Krauss, Beatrice H.; Plants in Hawaiian Culture ; Univ of Hawaii Press, 1993
Krauss, Beatrice H.; Native Plants Used as Medicine in Hawai'i; Lyon Arboretum, 1979
Kuck, Loraine E. and Richard C. Tongg; A Guide to Tropical and Semi-Tropical Flora; Hawaiian Flowers and Flowering Trees; Charles E. Tuttle, Co., 1958
Kwiatkowski, P.F.; Na Ki'i Pohaku, A Hawaiian Petroglyph Primer; Ku Pa'a, Inc., Honolulu, 1991
Lee, Pali and Koko Willis; Tales From The Night Rainbow; 1984
Lucas, Lois; Plants of Old Hawai'i; The Bess Press, 1982
McBride, L.R.; Practical Folk Medicine of Hawai'i; Petroglyph Press, 1975
Neal, Marie; In Gardens of Hawai'i; Bishop Museum Press, 1965
Palmer, Robert Maika'imau James; Maui Organic Growing Guide; Oasis Maui, Inc., 1987
Pukui, Mary Kawena and Samuel H. Elbert; Hawaiian Dictionary; University of Hawai'i Press, 1986
Pukui, Mary Kawena, E.W. Hoirtig, M.D., and C.A. Lee; Nana I Ke Kumu - Look To The Source, Vol. I and II; Queen Liliuokalani Children's Center, 1979
Pukui, Mary Kawena; 'Olelo No'eau - Hawaiian Proverbs and Poetical Sayings; Bishop Museum Press, 1983
Pukui, Mary Kawena, S.H. Elbert, and Mookini, E.T.; Place Names of Hawai'i; University of Hawai'i Press, 1976
Stevens, Richard L.; Organic Gardening in Hawai'i; Petroglyph Press, 1981
Wagner et al; Manual of Flowering Plants of Hawai`i (Revised Edition); University of Hawai`i Press, 1999
Whistler, W. Arthur, Dr.; Coastal Flowers of The Tropical Pacific; Pacific Tropical Botanical Garden, 1980
Whistler, W. Arthur, Dr.; Polynesian Herbal Medicine; National Tropical Botanical Garden, 1992
Whistler, W. Arthur, Dr.; Wayside Plants of the Islands : A Guide to the Lowland Flora of the Pacific Islands; Univ of Hawaii Press, 1996
Williams, Julie Stewart; From the Mountains to the Sea : A Hawaiian Lifestyle; Kamehameha Schools Press, 1997
Some of those persons from whom I have learned about the culture and the plants of Hawai'i, either on a personal basis or at a small talk in Hana:
Uncle Harry Mitchell, Kahu Kawika Ka'alakea, Pualani Kanahele, Parley Kanakaole, Kema Kanakaole, Rene Silva, J. Kalani English, Kekula Bray-Crawford, Kekuni Blaisdell, M.D., Patrick Ka'ano'i, John Lind, Daisy Lind, Donald Lono, Emmet Aluli, M.D., William Vitarelli, Frank Kawaikapuokalani Hewitt, John Keola Lake, Henry Noa, Auli'i Mitchell, Laka Morton, Keoki Sousa, Keopi Raymond, Alice Kulololio, Leslie Kuloloio, Margo Berdeshevsky, David Orr, Sam Kaai, Carl Lindquist, Solomon Ho'opai, Jr., Eddie Pu, Keali'i Reichel, Elizabeth Konohia, Terry Poaipuni, Henry & Marie Kahula, Al Lagunero, Hilda Costa, Nancy Bergau, Carla Crow, Mililani Trask, Howard Cooper, Alberta de Jetley, Maria Orr, David Marcus, Nainoa Thompson, Violet English, Lydia Hale, Kimo & Michelle Wendt, Pauly Sinenci, Tony & Susie Pu, Jozef Smit, Marianne Scott, Namahana Kalama-Panui, John Kahalehoe, Mitsue Cook-Carlson, Dr. Bruce Ka'imiloa Chrisman, Moki Bergau, Kenny Redstone, Forest Shomer, Anna Palamino.
Canoe Plants of Ancient Hawai`i
Intro - Contents - Bibliography - Links - Credits`Ape - `Awa -`Awapuhi -Hau -Ipu -Kalo -Kamani -Ki -Ko -Kou -Kukui -Mai`a
Milo -Niu -Noni -`Ohe -`Ohi`a `Ai -`Olena -Olona -Pia -`Uala -Uhi -`Ulu -Wauke